Run Tournaments

Generate Brackets

Add Teams and Players

a project for the school gaming club



A desktop app that keeps track of players and creates skill-determined brackets to run 5v5 game tournaments.

Videogame Remake

Teamfight Tactics


This is a recreation of Teamfight Tactics, a popular game by Riot Games, using Java GUI. Over 3 weeks, my friend Eric and I wrote thousands of lines of code collaborating through GitHub and learning as we went. This was my first real project.

Darius: swings his axe in a circle, healing him per enemy hit
Riven: becomes empowered with a temporary stats boost
Yasuo: knocks up the furthest enemy, slashing them
Sivir: throws a boomeranging shuriken damaging all in path


I replicated the main gameplay: 20+ characters, a fixed character pool to roll from, foolproof drag and drop mechanics, leveling, and the signature auto-battling board complete with traits; target-selection; movement; and ability systems.

*Ashe: shoots an ice arrow that stuns the first enemy hit
*Braum: puts up a shield, cutting damage from that direction
Syndra: fires three orbs homing in on the furthest enemy
*Glacial trait: a low chance of stunning with auto attacks


The focus was OOP, but I learned so many other skills along the way. Futhermore, despite the messy code and mysterious bugs, this was the first time I experienced the absolutely spellbinding excitement of bringing a project to life from scratch.

Vi: targets the furthest enemy, charging and knocking them up
Varus: shoots an arrow, damaging all enemies in its path
Veigar: fires a homing orb at the furthest enemy doing extra damage based on their missing health